Football is a skill.

We will show you how to master it.

Join the Tribe

Entangled Tribe 1.0

Entangled Tribe 2.0



The world's most advanced football development platform just got even better.

"The Entangled Tribe" is a talent development platform that will disrupt the football world forever.

New App, New Journey

Talent development secrets reverse-engineered from the best of the best in all sports

Master the skills you need to become a champion

Double your performance as fast as possible

Private Community

Meet like-minded friends on your journey

Be held accountable by NO BS mentors

Network with 300+ Footballers

Access Career-Changing Programs

Master the skills you need to become pain-free and an effortless mover

The secrets of natural talent released

Get mentored every step of your journey


The Entangled Tribe is the first and only place to teaching you the secrets, giving you the tools, and guiding you along the process of elite football success.

Spiral Training

Learn the only way to rewire your athleticism and become a glute and ab dominant animal on the pitch.

Myofascial Release

Fascia needs to glide smoothly and it can’t do that with fascial adhesions. Learn the correct ways to do that.

Lymphatic Flow Training

The average footballer has become physically fragile and frail. We show you how to upgrade your ability to heal and be resilient day-in & day-out.

Spiral-driven biomechanics

Most athletes have been screwed up by mainstream gym training, core work, and technique trainers. Learn how to get back your effortless athleticism you had as a kid.

Muscle Pandiculations

Footballers are aging too fast and recovering horribly. It’s because you don’t know how to let go of muscle trauma. We show you how.

Real Food Nourishment

99% of the food out there is inflammatory, toxic, or just plain terrible. Learn what REAL food is.

Holistic Recovery

“Modern” methods of recovery is setting up footballers for more pain and suffering in the long run. Real recovery happens in Nature and makes you feel younger, not slower.

Mental Transformation

Depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues are at an all-time high in the sports world. Fix it now with our methods before it’s too late.

Natural Hydration

All footballers are dehydrated, dilapidated, and dried out. Learn how drinking water is not the key to true hydration.

Maximal Intent Training

Top talent is made in the flow state on the streets of impoverished neighborhoods. Most footballers train the opposite of what they do. Learn the truth and unlock your athletic creativity.

Laws of Football

Nowadays footballers are force-fed loser beliefs. Flip that around and harden your will. Become a winner by surrounding yourself with such. Laws of Football is an additional course offered inside the Entangled Tribe.

Finance Your Football

There’s no glory in being a broke, struggling footballer. Nowadays you can learn life-changing sales skills online and remotely that are not taught in university and can fund your football dreams at the same time. Finance Your Football is an additional course offered inside the Entangled Tribe.

Player Representation
(Coming Soon)

After you’ve raised your talent, become an athletic “freak of nature”, and taken back control of your mind, now you’re ready for a real football club. We’ll sign you to Club Entangled and get you trials to fit your ambitions.

Personal Branding (Coming Soon)

We live in an attention economy. Instagram is a your digital resume. Clubs do look at it. Player power is a real thing. You are falling behind if your personal brand is sloppy, lazy, or non-existent.



Our modern, holistic approach to training has led to thousands of our students making serious improvements in their game from anywhere in the world.

Oscar Fraulo

After 6 months working with Taylor 1on1, here is what Oscar Fraulo of Denmark U23s and Borussia Monchengladbach had to say...

Oliver Sorenson

Joined Football Entangled after a sports hernia and other injuries before being sent out on loan. After joining the tribe, went back to his home club FC Midtjylland to start in the Champions League against Benfica.

Richard Chin

Richard Chin has been in the tribe for over 2 years now and has seen immense progress in his career both domestically at Charlton as well as internationally for the Malaysian national team.

Antonio Nusa

Purchased the Way of the Natural a year ago when WOTN 2.0 was first released and has seen himself succeed at the highest levels of professional football.


Step-by-Step Learning

You will get access to 100+ video courses and well-structured tutorials covering everything from the fundamentals of athleticism to unique-biohacking methods

Easy-to-follow programs for athletic & football success

Quickly learn new high talent skills

Hyper advanced learning community

Weekly sessions with Entangled Coaches

Each of our coaches have been Entangled for several years and made huge transformations with the methods we teach inside our curriculum.

They are hyper-motivated, experienced professionals who will provide you with organized feedback, direction, and constant mentoring throughout your football journey.

Me and my team will guide you every step of your journey, from learning to watch your first sunrise, to leading your team to a league championship, The Entangled Tribe is unmatched.

An exclusive community with 300+ like-minded footballers all across the world

Our online community is a supportive, high-performance environment. Everyone has the same mission: World Class Football Performance

Make like-minded friends on your football journey

Celebrate your wins with people who understand ambition

Network with those who have "been there, done it"


Final Thoughts

Football is a skill. Like every other skill, it can be learned, hacked, and developed. The speed of which you do that is dependent on your coaches and the learning environment you work in.

Football Entangled is built by footballers for footballers. We know what it takes to win, never be hurt, and build elite talent.

The Entangled Tribe is the ultimate all-in-one online football academy guiding you from your local club all the way to the premier league.

There is no better place on the planet to learn how to get better at football today…




Level 1 Training Program
Daily Accountability and Feedback
Ongoing Coaching and Development
My Player Mode
Dozens of Articles and Guides on True Health, Recovery, and Performance
300+ Teammates
Discounts on Courses

Simple step-by-step tutorials

12 Football Talent Methods

Access to the Entangled Team

Community chat groups

No experience needed

Custom Private Learning Application

Cancel anytime, risk-free

$49/month forever!


Go watch Netflix documentaries on Neymar.

Get a normal boring job and see your dreams slip away.


The Price Will increase as the Tribe grows

Lock-in your price of

The price will increase to $147/month, it’s your last chance!

Hundreds of ballers have already joined The Entangled Tribe and on their way to the highest stage.

Join now before the price increases to $147/month. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.


Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly will I improve at football

It depends on how seriously you take The Entangled Tribe.

But many students make major improvements in as little as a few weeks while others have been here for years still improving all the time.

Note: Everything taught within The Entangled Tribe is for education purposes only.

It is up to each student to implement and do the work. The Entangled Tribe team doesn’t guarantee any football on-pitch success. Ultimately it is you on the pitch who has to make it happen.

Do I need to already be a decent footballer to join the ET 2.0?

No of course not.

While our focus is World Class Performance, we have many amateur and recreational players using our tools to level up their athleticism.

Does my age really not matter?

No, but we encourage anyone under the age of 18 to consult a parent or guardian before signing up for the ET 2.0.

Instead of getting the newest videogames just to find them boring in a week, you can join our community, kick-start your football career and shock your friends and family by becoming the kid who’s leveling up in real life.

I know nothing about the skills you teach. Is it a problem?

Of course not.

This is a mentoring program, and you are here to learn from us.

Just follow our step-by-step lessons and guidance, and you will have a fun, fulfilling, and exciting football career.

I don't have a lot of time available, can I still apply?

We will work on shedding time-sucking habits from your life so you can have more time to excel at what you want: football

Ultimately time is required to make change in your life, but you don’t have to go all in at once.

I live in X country. Is it a problem?

Not at all.

Football is a world-wide sport, we teach how to become talented, so scouts come to you.

If you have no teams nearby and can’t find small-sided football to play then you need to think about where you are living if you want to be a serious footballer.

Still have questions?

Click HERE to talk to our support team and ask anything about the Entangled Tribe!